All Wines Malbec-based blend Trimboli Salvatore Malbec Shiraz Durif 2020
Trimboli Salvatore Malbec Shiraz Durif

Trimboli Salvatore Malbec Shiraz Durif 2020

Sam Trimboli's sensational blend of Malbec Durif and Shiraz

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Description Malbec is a grape close to Sam's heart. His wife Maria who works with him is from Argentina so perhaps that's not surprising. He also has a passion for the Durif grape and has done for decades. His car licence plate even reads 'DURIF'. What he loves most though is making wines that wine lovers adore. And he has been doing that for years very well indeed. We've worked with him for decades and this shy modest man is simply brilliant at creating wines that show judges – and our customers – love! His grandfathers back in Italy began the winemaking tradition of the Trimboli family they would be very proud of Sam.

Wine File
Colour: Red
Wine Style: Red - Medium to full bodied
Country: Australia
Region: New South Wales
Vintage: 2020
Cellaring: Ready now, will keep
Alcohol: 14.5%
Bottle Size: 750.0ml
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