All Wines Sauvignon Blanc Split Rock Sauvignon Blanc 2019
Split Rock Sauvignon Blanc

Split Rock Sauvignon Blanc 2019

Glittering NZ Sav Blanc from sunny lovely Nelson

RRP 3,200 Points / bottle
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$240.00 OR 38,400 Points

Description This stunning wine is named after the landmark Split Apple Rock in Abel Tasman National Park where Hermann Seifried built a winery in 1973 with the help of his local church. He'd only arrived in New Zealand three years earlier from Austria via Germany (where he studied winemaking) and South Africa. He married Kiwi lass Agnes Wilkins and two years later they realised their shared dream of growing grapes. 1976 was their maiden vintage and more than 30 years on the Seifrieds are still going strong and racking up a host of awards - including the top Trophy for Best New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc – above all those from Marlborough! Gooseberry fresh Split Rock slips down a treat on its own and partners dishes such as spicy prawns grilled chicken or creamy pasta.

Wine File
Colour: White
Wine Style: White - Dry
Country: New Zealand
Region: Nelson
Vintage: 2019
Cellaring: Ready now, will keep
Alcohol: 13.0%
Bottle Size: 750.0ml
Food Pairing