All Wines Sauvignon Blanc Colab & Bloom Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc 2020
Colab & Bloom Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc

Colab & Bloom Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc 2020

Glittering Sav Blanc elegant and mouthwatering. This is so lovely QATEST

RRP 3,840 Points / bottle
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RRP 3,840 Points / bottle
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$288.00 OR 46,080 Points
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Description "As Colab & Bloom say they are a ""collaboration of like-minded friends creating expressive and drinkable wines with abundant flavours."" Just one taste of their mouthwatering Sauvignon shows that their colabs are very successful indeed!"

Wine File
Colour: White
Wine Style: White - Dry
Country: Australia
Region: Adelaide Hills
Vintage: 2020
Cellaring: Ready now, will keep
Alcohol: 12.5%
Bottle Size: 750.0ml
Food Pairing
Adelaide Hills
Adelaide Hills
Adelaide Hills

Adelaide Hills is based in the southern Mount Lofty Ranges just east of Adelaide in South Australia. Adelaide Hills is a premium and ancient region with a decidedly cooler climate, meaning crisp nights adds wonderful aromatics to the wines. Adelaide Hills was one of the first regions in Australia to be settled by European settlers of German origin. Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir are the hero grapes of the region.

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