All Wines Durif-based blend Dark Corner Durif Shiraz 2020
Dark Corner Durif Shiraz

Dark Corner Durif Shiraz 2020

One of our most-loved best selling reds ... taste why here!

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Description David Joeky marries deep black Durif and smooth spicy Shiraz to produce a darker denser profound red. As he says: “Magical things happen when Shiraz and Durif come together” . His Dark Corner bears that out to delicious perfection. The result? It's almost as dark as the corner in which it was made a wine to stain your palate and once tasted you’ll be hooked. Ripe and mouthfilling with blackberry plum berry fruit and mocha flavours with a smooth creamy texture.

Wine File
Colour: Red
Wine Style: Red - Full bodied
Country: Australia
Region: South Eastern Australia
Vintage: 2020
Alcohol: 14.5%
Bottle Size: 750.0ml
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